Me the Machine - Imogen Heap

When listening to Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith's Arthropoda, I was drawn to the unusual sounds in this song. Arthropoda is not just synth and voice; the whispers and whirs and static surprise and delight my ears. This reminds me of Imogen Heap's music, and the whooshes especially remind me of her song Me the Machine. I can't embed the song's audio here, but here are some places you can listen to it:

Imogen Heap builds soundscapes in her music with a variety of sounds, and has been working for years on a way to brings those sounds into live concerts through performance: the Mi.Mu gloves. Here's a video of her performing Me the Machine with the Mi.Mu gloves, where she pans whoosh sounds around the room with her arms, adjusts the pitch of the bass with her palm, and draws twinkly sounds in the air with a pointed finger. I love how these visual representations of musical sounds enrich the way I listen to this song.

Me the Machine was suggested by Evy in response to Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith's Arthropoda.

It reminded Jacob of Autorickshaw's Hare Shiva.