Pibroch (Cap in Hand) - Jethro Tull

Listening to Eriatarka, I was struck by the swelling, echoing guitar parts that Andrew noted. These reminded me of the opening of Jethro Tull's Pibroch (Cap in Hand).

The opening of Pibroch has always reminded me of howling wolves. Listening through the entire track, I enjoy how the piece's sections are so varied – another element in common with Eriatarka – with bits of harpsichord, counterpoint on an organ, trad-sounding music on the flute and whistle, and a choral/orchestral moment all interspersed among the piece's predominant slow, 6/8 groove.

Pibroch (Cap in Hand) was suggested by Jacob in response to The Mars Volta's Eriatarka.

It reminded Andrew of Feist's Any Party.

It reminded Mohan of A Banda das Crechas's Hard on the Heels.